Posts by QualityAirFilters

  1. 4 Easy Ways to Cut your Electric Costs in 2021

    No matter what happens with the gas prices, electric prices just keep going up. And since you can’t negotiate with the electric company to get a discounted rate, you need to take it upon yourself to save some dough. Of course, you already know that you need to be turning off the lights when you…

  2. Why Should I Change My Home Air Filters?

    When you are on a budget, it is sometimes hard to decipher what items are worth your hard-earned cash and which ones are okay to skip. It’s understandable that you might be tempted to omit your air filter replacements because, after all, you can’t see your air so you don’t really know just how harmful…

  3. How Do I Know If My Air Filter Is Working Properly?

    We can tell you all about how amazing air filters are and how crucial they are for the health of your family, but once you get it installed, how the heck are you supposed to know if it is really doing the job it was built to do? That’s easy: Do You Feel Better? If…

  4. How Weather Affects Your Allergies

    Allergy season can start as early as January and last well beyond the fall. If you suffer from pollen allergies the cold weather might give a long deserved break. However, if you suffer from mold and dust mite allergies winter is the beginning of a very long 89-day period. Add seasonal allergies to the mix…

  5. The Difference Between Allergen and Allergy

    Have you ever been confused about the difference between the words allergen and allergy? Are they correlated? Sure they are but by no means do they mean the same thing. An Allergen is medically defined as any substance, often some kind of protein that triggers an allergic reaction in a being who is sensitive to…

  6. Which Direction Does The Arrow Go When Installing an Air Filter?

    Which Direction Does The Arrow on An Air Filter Go? It’s a strangely surprising task, changing your home air filters. There’s an arrow on the box, and it says to point in the direction of “Air Flow”, but what does that mean? It means the arrow faces the unit, or in other words, facing inside…

  7. Should I Pay the Extra Money for a MERV 13 Filter?

    So you’ve checked out our air filter subscription service and you are excited to get started. You enter the sizes of your filters, and then you are faced with the choice of which type of filter you want: the good, better, or best option? So then the question arises: Is the MERV 13 worth the…

  8. Are Air Filters Recyclable?

    Are Home Air Filters Recyclable? Typically air filters should be put in the garbage, rather than recycled. Although some of the material is recyclable, (such as the paper box on the outside) the filter collects all sorts of containments to keep them out of your lungs, so they are trash rather than recycle. Although it…